This was supposed to take 2-weeks and took 2-months. We are so happy to get this out. Now we can start to move to some new features such as an automated ramp test.
Training tab converted to pop-up providing new design, larger components and much better usability
Added cadence targets
Added Title to training tab (Quick start)
Added laps/intervals to TCX file, Strava and Dropbox
Improved FTMS connections (Elite and JetBlack trainers should work great now)
Improved “Today’s” workout from Intervals.ICU
Fixed some library image caching problems (now we need to improve performance)
Everything seems to work well in this new version.
It just took a little while for me to get used to the few changes on the training screen.
Keep it up, well done.
Oliver, TrainerDay has over 20,000 registered users. The app has about 5,000-6,000 regular users (more regular in winter obviously). This forum group is small. I don’t think most users come here for my training advice but a few do or appreicate it slighly…
So if you mean “ask me anything” regarding training advice like TR does I don’t see that happening ever, although I have a group of coaches that provide amazing instights at the highest level. Maybe someday when the core team grows.
As much as I appreciate it, I see a few problems with the TR approach. Offering generic advice to a beginner vs a 4+/watt/kg rider does not make sense to me. I think most advice needs to be highly taylored to the individual which at this point means self-coaching/learning or getting a coach.
Obviously many people love that format. Nate, Chad and the team are good at it. Because it is not individualized I think it often is not helping enough. Meaning Coach Chad says lots of great things but so far to date many people that use TR overtrain or burnout even though much of his verbal advice offers good training principals.
We are working on something that you could compare to TR Adaptive training but a 100% different approach and totally focused on a different audience. I would call it more super simplified for the performance cycling enthusiasts and beginners instead of Xert and TR’s primary focus on racers and/or deep technical (Xert). This will be 100% individualized suggestions.
This updated version does not load properly on a tablet as it did with the last version. The tiles containing time, heart rate and power readings don’t size properly to fit inside the tiles.
I noticed on this morning’s workout that if I change the chart/graph(?) view mid workout, the shadowline/progress does not match the view. Hard to explain in writing.
I started with chart showing entire workout (fully zoomed out)
Then switched to the normal view (default middle view)
However, the progress bar is showing the shadow of the fully zoomed out workout chart.
I confirm. Shadow is always the shadow from the full workout, no matter what zoom level.
Smoothing looks ugliest in full workout screen. In most zoomed-in view, smoothing looks “overdone”. Mid zoom, smoothing looks as expected.
I have seen this but can’t figure out how to reproduce it. Thanks we will figure out how to fix this. I am testing later version so maybe it is already fixed.
Strange, I will have to test our old version more. Yes I believe this extra smooth vs not makes sense meaning you don’t see second to second changes in full longer workouts. But maybe their is a way to improve it farther. Are you saying that in old version the smoothing stayed more consistent at the different zoom levels? If my developer did it how I asked (I need to verify) then we are offering both types of zoom (old) and new version in our new slider control.