New big feature coming today - called "TODAY"

Hi Alex, I just wanted to let you know that I’m getting the following popup or error message consistently on my Today feature:

If I refresh list, the left workout still is not showing. Also after reloading the website its not popping up.

For me the middle does not display

Ok strange. My developer is looking at this. Looks like his improved logic is not so improved :slight_smile:


Ok, he did some improvements. We are monitoring to see how often missing workouts shows up. Hopefully this is resolved. :slight_smile:

For me its not working yet, I’m now getting a ‘failed’ error on top of the screen when refreshing or opening the page:

Strange. Ok thanks. It’s working fine for me. My developer gets the error messages so he will fix this likely today, hopefully for good.

Ok should be fixed. Let me know.

Working again!

Sweet. It’s now in beta version of our mobile app, and our app now has “Send To” as well, so for anyone using other training platforms this should make it very fast / simple. It should/will be out in production later this week.


It’s a very nice evolution ! Thanks Alex !

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HI Alex! Its nice to have it also in the app now! Have been using the feature a lot already!

It is on purpose that the first recommended workout is always the one from your training plan for that specific day (if there is one scheduled of course)? If you change the duration of the Today Workout, the intensity and endurance workout indeed change, but the recommended stays at the one from your training plan.

Super cool!!! We are going to change this. Tell me if you agree this makes sense. I think the recommended workout is my favorite one usually. So if you have a plan you lose the recommended workout from the TODAY engine as you pointed out.

This feels like a tragic loss to me :slight_smile: So I think in the app we are going to change it to 4 workouts. Plan, Recommended, Intensity, Recovery. I think most people that have a plan probably do the plan so showing today’s plan workout makes sense on TODAY tab to me.

I will change the web site to be like this, and similar in the app. So the top one with 3 workouts is for people without a plan.

Hi Alex! Great, I think that would be indeed a very good solution!!
As indeed, in some cases the workout in the plan might be 2 hours but you only have 1 hour that day and still want to do a recommended workout!

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From excess the head does not hurt. :slightly_smiling_face:
But for a person who has a plan, they are unlikely to use the “Today” function. On the one hand, the @Hammeroplos is right, on the other hand, this training with “Today” must be equivalent to this training in the plan.
I am full of admiration for the dynamics with which TD develops. :+1:

Thanks!!! :slight_smile: I don’t think there is ever such a thing as “equivalent.” It’s a nice idea though. For Coach Jack workouts we could remove some of the secondary work. Personally, I believe with Coach Jack workouts a person should just end it when they need to but that might not be obvious or feel right :slight_smile:

If you mean equivalent by TSS…
We are not a believers that you can change one TSS workout for another of a different length and call them the same training effect or even close. I believe TSS is decent tool for making sure you don’t do too much but I do not believe it is good for substituting workouts.

I believe a few years ago people believed TSS=TSS, but from my perspective many or most cyclists are realizing this is not true. To make this point clear, you can’t say a VO2max workout and a sweet spot workout give the same training effect even if they are the same TSS. Also polarized training clearly showed that low TSS can produce better training results than higher TSS.

So reading the feature description on the website, Today doesn’t take into account imported workouts but only ones you did in the app? That seems an unfortunate design choice if true.

It’s not so much a choice of whether it is a good idea or not. It’s more just a resource problem that we are small and things take time, and we prefer to launch things early rather than spending years making them perfect before launching. We plan on doing heavier investment into TODAY by next winter, taking outdoor into consideration would be a part of that.

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Feedback: I used the feature for some weeks and it’s smarter than Trainerroad’s (at least the version that I can remember), as far as I’m concerned. I don’t care if the algo or engine or whatever picking the workouts is simpler. It just works so well.

I was coming back rebuilding fitness after a holiday, intending to just get on the bike, do no hard stuff at first and just lay a foundation for later, in addition to going back into a training routine. I had no specific plan but I wasn’t trying to bore myself to death either. What TrainerDay gave me was a selection of easy to moderate workouts and not a VO2max smashfest or 4x10’ threshold like TR. Then as I start doing harder stuff, the feature tries to accomodate my needs. Do not change anything, it’s perfect.

I haven’t tried it later in the season, but I suppose people working towards a more specific goal will use other features (like Coach Jack or Trainingpeaks import) to achieve that.

I love it!!! No really the basic premise of the idea would not change. We are never going to recommend workouts that kill you. People that want to kill themselves will have to make that choice on their own. Like TR it could ask. How was it… And adjust. Not to mention it could be smarter and when you just did 2 moderately hard days in a row it can suggest a recovery day, but offer something like the current recommended as an alternative for those that want to do another harder day. It also can look at outdoor rides and the intensities you are doing and adjust. So ultimately if you train like you are now, or you did then the recommendations won’t see huge changes.

Thanks so much for your feedback. You are the first one to say that this really was working for you in a longer more direct sense…