When the next interval has a variable power range it shows in the interface as X → X, rather than X → Y
Example here the next is showing as 126W → 126W whereas the real end value was 136W.
Not a big deal but helps to see what’s coming next!
Two images attached showing end of consecutive intervals. Sorry for the quality. I was training. This is on an iPad.
In the updated version (with the fixed interval beep), everything seems fine to me. However, a new bug has appeared: When ‘show-zones’ is activated, the power readings for the next interval are missing, and only ‘Z2’, ‘Z4’, etc., are shown.
Someone else pointed out if they are in zone mode they should be seeing next zone (made sense to me) so we changed it… I am not a big fan of zone focus myself… good for coffee table discussions… I will see if we can have both
Hi there. I also have noticed the changes at displaying the next intervals from watt numbers to zone and was very confused, thinking it is a bug. Like this, it is not very helpful. Whereas the actual watt numbers for the next interval was just perfect. Please change it back (or both as options if possible and easy to implement). Thanks so much for your help!
Yes it will be back very soon. Having BOTH. Really, I saw the persons point, if you are looking at zone targets it makes sense to see zone next targets but I get the point. But since I am not a zone guy I am the worst person to make this decision… I trust you guys… both is the simple solution…
In the last few trainings, I’ve noticed that the Android app is missing information about the power output of the next interval - it only shows the target zone. I hope this is temporary.
On the screenshot, the app displays the target power as a percentage. It’s the same when the power is shown in watts.