No option to use HR mode IOS app

Hi guys im using version 3.5.0 on iOS and i convert my training in Calendar for hr zones but on my app I don’t see that option to use. I seen a post about hr mode being in other settings but I don’t have this option. Is this function still available or simply not

dziwinyadam, I think you need to do the conversion on the website either when you make a plan and send it to your calendar or another app or go to your existing calendar and touch the three dots by the week or the workout and convert to HR.

Sorry we temporarily removed HR training from our app. It was confusing people how we did it before. It might take a month to get it back. Can you explain the types of hr training you want to do? And why? Do you have a power meter or smart trainer. Just making sure we try to do it right next time.

Thanks for answer guys. I’m get that this feature is removed right now so no problem I just think I’m doing something wrong

I was trying to do all of my training as a conversion of power zones to hr zones because I don’t have a power meter and smart trainer yet but also I see that using hr zones is not optimal for that kind of training so maybe I’m gonna get a power meter
Still thanks for answer and great app like TrainerDay