Requested by DHRestrepo - It would be nice i we could calibrate the trainers within the app.
Alex’s reply:
I will think about this one. I don’t know much about this spin down process. I do know one other user requested it as well.
Bran Lan’s reply:
+1 to this, kind of annoying having to pair to the Wahoo app to do a spindown, then switch back to TrainerDay.
Alex’s reply:
I understand Bran, we will add this, right now we are busy getting it so more people can use the app (for example Ant+ users) but we definitely want to do this just might take a little while. Sorry about that. We are small and trying to keep the costs down so we can have the lowest price app, so things go a bit slower.
Okay, maybe I didn’t found it in the app, but since every other training app has this option to calibrate your set and asks for it on the first run, I would ask if it is somewhere buried in “options -> advanced -> more advanced -> even more advanced -> admin stuff”?. I mean, I suspect, it was either forgotten or omitted because the calibration really does nothing nowhere but since company X has it, company Y does the same?
Out of all the big apps, we are the smallest, newest and cheapest. Those factors mean we leave out some of the “extras” especially when their is a work around which is using your manufactures calibration app. I would like to add this at some point in time as I know it improves the experience a lot for wheel on trainers.
This was my suggestion as I am a newbie here but have seen this functionality in every other training app and it seemed to very important to do it there.