Hi Alex, new user here. I too used Today’s plan for the past 2 years instead of training peaks. Any chance of integration? i use today’s plan to monitor my workout progress.
also, any chance to upload workout to Hammerhead units? thanks.
Hi Gilbert, I have gotten very few requests for Today’s plan so I don’t plan on doing that any time soon. I talked to them a while back but since there is very little value for a free user I just decided not to move forward. I know it might be more geeky (huge amount of features), but seems IntervalsICU is the platform of choice these days but obviously TP is the biggest. Regarding hammerhead, let me talk to them. That one makes more sense although if you use our calendar you can sync to TrainingPeaks (free or paid) and I assume go to your hammerhead.
Hi Alex, i just checked intervals.icu makes sense i can move there. i just got used to being with the Road cycling Academy so was using today’s plan. i just saw that i can download the workout file. i can upload those to hammerhead. just a bunch of manual process before workouts. i have not used training peaks for a long time so wasnt sure if they will autosync to hammerhead. thanks
While it might seem slightly complicated using our calendar sync feature to TP (free) and Intervals could give you what you need including sync to your hammerhead. This would be the most painless process other than just using TrainingPeaks, or TP and TrainerDay.
I am reading on the intervals forum and their is no public API for hammerhead so it seems via TP is the best choice. So the only key issue with this approach is you must add all your workouts to our calendar. Once added you can actually move them around in Intervals and they will also move in TD and TP.