In the middle of base training and long z2 rides. They are all done in the morning an hour at least after 2 double espressos and 2 rounds of sourdough bread with a dash of butter, peanut butter and jam. Water and electrolytes for 1h15 and then a banana at 1h 30/45. If I go over 2 hours then another banana or 30-50g vegan energy bar.
What, if anything do I eat after? Protein or protein and carbs? And how much? FWIW I have a decent diet, home cooked food, very little meat , mostly fish and vegetables, and rice or pasta once a week, also very little processed food. I am not as carb dependent as I was a few years back but also definitely not keto.
Hi, I am on vacation right now and this is a more involved discussion. Their is a lot of different opinions on this stuff, all the way from Zone 2 purists which would say no carbs before or during to more traditional approaches. @Robert_UCL is much more traditional and your approach sounds more on the traditional end so let’s ask Robert.
Hi Bobinski,
Good work on the home cooking. Carb dependency is always a combination of good training, a good diet, and how fast you are riding.
When you say you are not as carb-dependent as you used to be, it’s probably because you are better trained.
Maybe because you’re diet has become better and probably because you’re doing lower-intensity rides.
There are a lot of studies that show that keto is not a long-term strategy.
A proper diet contains carbs, protein, and fat. Any other diet is temporary or not suited for high-intensity training.
There isn’t a pro rider that eats a low-carb diet.
After your ride, you always want a combination of protein and carbs. How much depends on the demands of that ride. A 5-hour ride will need more carbs than a one-hour ride.
I would start with 45 gr of carbs and 15 grams of protein. From there, you can experiment with more for more extended training.
Typically, the need for carbs goes up exponentially when you ride zone 3, 4, 5, and 6. With these intensities, refueling defines the ride and recovery.
Just keep experimenting and set up a journal with recovery speeds and intensities.
Have a merry Christmas, Coach Robert