Powermatch ~25W lower than target since update

Hi there,

I am running a Tacx Smart Flow with a pair of Assioma Duo to power match. I have noticed than since the most recent update, I don’t see the « calibrating » and then « powermatch ( - xx Watts) like I used to next to the 100% at the bottom.

I have no issue about this info not being present anymore from a cosmetic point of view. However, I am facing some serious powermatch issue since then.

For example today, I have completed two 90 minutes Z2 rides (Goombah 90 by Coach Jack) in ERG mode with powermatch enabled and I spent all intervals 25W lower than the prescribed target. If I increased the cadence to bring the Watts up, the trainer would ease the resistance and return to that lower value. When the next interval comes, the trainer follows, but always below (it’s not the trainer running out of resistance).

! TD Bug|690x362


This behaves like Power Match was disabled during update - could you confirm that switch is on in Settings ?


It’s enabled. I’ve tried disabling it and re-enabling it multiple times, but nothing changed.

Problem solved!

After the update, my Assiomas were seen as a Smart Trainer, so I had two smart trainer competing with each other. I have changed t to a power source and it’s much better right now.

Maybe a feature only allowing one smart trainer at a time, or a pop up warning saying two smart trainers have been selected would be nice to have, but really not needed. I just have to be more careful

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