Record Left Right from dual Power meters

Interesting. I almost never run a bike computer when I’m on my trainer. I’d prefer the app control the trainer, record my data, and send it all to my analysis site when done. One less device for me to deal with if it’s all on my phone or tablet. L/R power be the most logical addition to support, but I’m guessing there’s a low number of people that would take advantage of it, myself included.

Advanced features such as L/R balance, Exercise HRV are not supported in the TCX format. And @alex already has confirmed that switching to .FIT file format is not a easy task. Not easy = time and cost…
I don’t see the problem in using your bike computer indoors. If you have a power meter on your bike, you already need the bike computer to calibrate the power meter. Turn it on, calibrate the power meter and hit start. My Garmin transfers the resulting fit file to my phone, Garmin Connect and then in a blink.
For clarity, the TCX is a nice feature for those that don’t have a bike computer, so it’s not that it shouldn’t be there.

Actually we have FIT files now, new libraries came available so it’s not so bad in that regard. I am still trying to find our way because I love advanced features, easy of use and I also love to have the lowest priced app/service and generally it is not a good idea to try to do both advanced features for smaller audiences and low price… @zenbiking I will move this to a feature request just so we don’t loose visiability of it.

I don’t think this makes sense at this time especially because these advanced features are for a small audience and there is a reasonable work around now of recording on a bike computer. I will always consider this. If we are bigger and making lots of money I would not be apposed to doing it :slight_smile:

I’d definitely keep it down on the list. A nice to have, vs a must have. My days of having a bike with dual sided power are long past. :slight_smile:

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Revisiting this topic, are there any updates on the support of L/R balance? Is it currently being recorder (given two sided power meter is used with power match)?

No, it will only read one side currently. People that want to record 2 sided record on their Garmin or Wahoo but use our app to control the trainer. To be honest I don’t see this coming very soon. We have other priorities that are much more requested than this. I know for some they consider this critical, we see it as more nice to have especially since there are solutions.

No problem, it was a question out of curiousity.

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