Release Notes Subscription for TrainingDay

TrainingDay is an essential tool in my fitness journey, and I appreciate how the platform continually evolves with new features and improvements.

I was wondering if there is currently a way to subscribe to a mailing list or notification system that would inform users about new releases and updates, either for the web platform or the iPhone / Android apps. It would be great to receive a brief summary of what’s new with each version, or perhaps a weekly/monthly digest of updates.

This would be a fantastic way to stay informed about all the cool new features that might be hidden deep within the menus, and it would help ensure that users are getting the most out of TrainingDay.

Additionally, it would be helpful to have a “What’s New” screen appear upon the first login to the website or app after an update. This screen could display a list of the new features and improvements, with buttons for “Got it” and “Remind me later,” allowing users to quickly see what’s changed and choose how they want to engage with the new information.

These features would be a fantastic way to stay informed about all the cool new features and ensure that users are getting the most out of TrainingDay.

Yes, I need to figure out a better solution. We have notifications now on the website if I create a new feature item here in the forum. I should probably do like a monthly release notes since we have new items being release a few times a week on most weeks. Most are so small that no one would care. Or they resolve one persons problem… Usually if it’s something really important I create a blog post, video, email blast… but lately it’s mostly small incremental stuff but I realize some times some of those small items can be interesting as well so yes I agree with you. I will create myself a monthly reminder to do this. It’s a good start.

For example yesterday we made this section smaller and are working towards a new improved ,simplified design… It’s looks simple but it was not :slight_smile: Does anyone really care :slight_smile: