We seem to have very few users using Ant+ and it currently has some issues. We prefer to spend out time on things that benefit the majority. I know the few users this does affect may not be happy but I am not sure it is working for many users now. Sorry for this info. Just giving people the ability to chime in in case I am missing something.
When we first added Ant+ some phone manufactures were including it and even they have all abandoned Ant+ …
Will this be part of a future release or any idea when the change will happen?
My most comfortable HR strap is an old Garmin that is only Ant+. I get why support doesn’t make sense given phone manufacturers stopped supporting it. DC Rainmaker had an article about the end of Ant+ in January.
The only thing changing at this point in time is that devices using ANT+ must display a warning to the user that the ANT+ data is not encrypted and could be sniffed by anybody.
That’s all! The functionality itself is not being stopped or crippled in any way, as long as the device/app keeps supporting ANT+ functionality.
A device or app using ANT+ without warning the user would be breaking the rules of the EU regulations but will continue to work. Older head units, watches, apps which are no longer updated with firmware/software, will simply continue to work until they die.
Thanks, I get that. I was more asking when will TrainerDay app be updated to no longer support ANT+. Once that happens unless I don’t update the app, ANT+ only devices can’t be used with TrainerDay.
Next release. One user said currently he had a problem and he searched google and found an old APK that worked for him. It’s possible eventually this version won’t work any more but my guess is that won’t be soon.
For those that, like me, have and old Smart Bkool Pro, the only way is to use an old APK. To make it work adjusting the power you have to use ANT+ protocol. So… I hope I can use it a bit longer because I have just upgraded to premium version of the APP
That said, I understand is for the good of the majority
Yes, I suspect this old APK will work for a long time. Usually old versions of our app do.
This doesn’t directly affect me. There is this ANT+ to Bluetooth bridge that might help holdouts (currently sold out), FWIW.
This is the best (most popular) product for this below. But unless someone just loves and old trainer or HRM it’s better to just upgrade… This is frequently out of stock as well.
Your link seems to show an HRM so I don’t see it.
I believe that Viiiiva strap is no longer manufactured.
I have NPE’s CABLE and WYUR - they have issues, with CABLE is being most flexible and compatible - but also not being made anymore.
WYUR is a great idea for home use (since it plugs in any USB power brick), but it can’t do certain things CABLE could - like multiplex separate cadence into power/speed for FTMS. But it may work for some people.
I have 2 CABLE devices… but I have only used it for straight forward testing scenario’s and it works fine. Never tried WYUR… You for sure sound like an expert
I had to dual-record for couple of years any app I been using to Polar watch, which supports only BLE, so NPE bridges were essential - I was able to “convert” ANT+ to BLE service for either Polar or app consumption.
But now, since Kickr Core received a firmware update enabling it to support up to 3 BLE connections - I do not need CABLE or WYUR anymore…
Which Wahoo products offer Multiperipheral Bluetooth connections? – Wahoo Fitness Support
Oh my god. This is cool. I had no idea. Wahoo is doing something great here. This is the future I will have to test this some time.
Yeah, that was a great although, accidental find…
Somehow they didn’t advertise it.
Dual recording works like a charm now!
I still use my trusty 310XT with the ANT+ HRM when outside, so inside I use the HRM for TrainerDay, too. So, certainly disappointing, although thanks for the heads-up. That mostly means disabling updating the app, I guess, or dish out 40-70 euros for an additional ANT+/Bluetooth dual connection HRM.
Since ANT+ probably hasn’t really changed much recently, how did these issues arise?
I haven’t had any issues myself with the app/HRM, btw.
I am not exactly sure when or why it stopped working, I was just talking to some users that told me it stopped working for them and then we tested it and it was not working for us either. So we decided instead of trying to fix it to stop supporting it. I think even now if you disconnect your device and try to re-connect it will no longer work with the last version. I know it sucks… I love being the affordable app but having to replace devices makes it less affordable. It’s depressing for me but we have to focus on profitability and long term sustainability… If we were rich like the big guys, I would fix it for sure. Might even bring it back in a few years if we can afford it… but I realize you need something now.
Cheers for the swift response. I’ll keep on using the current version - I turned off auto-updates just now - and will have a look at HRM’s in the mean time.
I honestly had not really considered ANT+ was that much abandoned since I never upgraded my GPS unit to something fancy with a screen, which obviously comes with bluetooth and usb cable connection these days. Although I have to admit syncing with ANT+ has been a tad difficult also if you don’t use the Garmin app, so perhaps I was just ignoring the obvious.
Concerning your comment of affordability/being rich: I love that TrainerDay is the affordable option and much more as far as I’m concerned. It’s hard to put in words, but I wholeheartedly appreciate the work you put in, and find the app, the forum, and the time you put in replying, and explaining things very - what in Dutch I’d call - “sympathiek”, in English perhaps “likable” or the similar “sympathetic” although the latter does not feel the same.
And not being one of the rich big guys, I understand that you have to choose what to do with the limited resources that you have.
The app still works fine for me, so no worries here. Or regrets for using TrainerDay.
For some reason, the app suddenly could not find my ANT+ HRM after all, so it might be that since my last indoor ride on Wednesday the app was auto-updated after all, although not to the newest version, since that was still available in the to-be-updated part of my app store. Were there two updates close to each other, perhaps?
I removed the app and installed an older version.
I used APKpure for now, since it had all versions of the app available. I wouldn’t advise to use their installer app + APK - several negative posts e.g. on Mastodon about the app, lots of adds and connecting to domains that it does not need to go. Instead, I downloaded the XAPK version and installed it via ZArchiver - not open source, but no trackers, reasonable permissions - since XAPK can’t be installed like an APK can.
You don’t happen to offer the APK’s of earlier versions on your website, do you, @Alex ?
For reference: the 5.1.4 version of TrainerDay works fine with ANT+.
I miss the louder beeps of the recent version already!
I’m off to quickly order a Bluetooth HRM.
So basically I cannot use my concept2 rower as it is ANT+ only. ErgIQ stopper working (cannot start activity), so I need to stick with their app…
Luckily everything around my bike trainer has BLE (tacx neo 2t, garmin rally pedals and garmin dual hrm strap), so not a big deal, just sometimes BLE is a pain - slower connecting compared to ANT+.
Funny, I wanted to create a feature request for ANT+ remote support, so this is pointless now.
Edit: Oh wait, Concept2 PM5 supports BLE, well then this should be fine.