Reps change when i save workou

i made a workout, using sets and reps. I input 5reps, with .1 minutes at a sprint wattage, and 1 minute rest. I then put in a separate line for 4 minutes of rest at a low effort level, with 0 minutes of rest. I made 2 more sets identical to this: 5 1/10 minute sprint level effort, with 1 minute rests between. When I save the workout, it changes the 5 reps to 4 reps, and throws in more lines. am i doing something wrong? Thanks

I can’t tell exactly by reading this but we did notice some strange cases that can happen, so I believe you are likely seeing a bug. I have something similar to this documented, but if you want to provide screenshots that would help but we are trying to get this fixed soon and likely it is the same as you are experiencing.

Hey Alex. I just emailed you 2 screen shots of this. Below is my attempt to add them here.

Oh yes this is the same issue we saw. We will work on this. We created a new billing system to fix some old problems and almost through all the critical stuff so we should be able to soon.