Sending to Strava (manually)

So there is currently an issue with Strava and my finished ride is not syncing to intervals or Strava. I can manually grab the .fit/.tcx file and upload it (which I did) but it omits a lot of information that the auto-sync does (defining virtual rides, having the correct start time/location, etc.)

Unsure if this already exists but would it be possible to add something like this as a safeguard for any outages?

Yes sorry we are working on it.

This seems like first time in more than a year this has happened so hopefully you never need it but we can consider adding a process to allow sending manually. Waiting for my developer to tell me and fix the issue first.

This seems to be a problem on strava’s side, so we need to wait a bit and see if they fix it.

Yes so in this case since the Strava API has issue, manually sending would have the same problems and would not help.

Strava is fixed.

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Yep, it’s fixed now and it looks like there was some queue of events that processed once back online! I see my ride from yesterday pop up on Strava without any further intervention.

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