Setting slope on Sets/reps workout designer

I’d been using TACX’s own app for the last couple of years with a TACX Neo. But since Garmin removed the option for slope workouts I was a bit lost.
Pleased to see that TrainerDay supports this and I agree that it is very quick and easy to create workouts.
As the title suggests I tend to use Slope to define the workout. It would be handy to be able to define the slope in a sets/reps workout. At the moment I need to switch between sets/reps and “slope & hr” views to input the slope data. A small inconvenience but I thought I would mention it, in case this was not intentional on your part.
As I have quite a lot of variations of workouts I’d planned to use Excel to create the tables. I noticed that I had to add a few empty columns into the Excel sheet to make the Excel data align correctly in the TrainerDay table. Again, a small problem but mentioned in case others use Excel to build the data. I saw other posts mention using Excel to calculate slope based on power/cadence.

Hi Steve, the problem is we don’t have room at the moment for additional columns with sets and reps. That would be 2 more additional columns or some type of re-design. While I like it, sets and reps and slopes would be more of a rare use case from what I have seen.

Thanks for the feedback Alex. It’s only a minor problem which I can overcome using Excel to build the workouts.

I’ve only started using TrainerDay recently and so far enjoying the experience.

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