SkiErg support?


Any plans of supporting SkiErg?

Getting a SkiErg delivered very soon.

Is there a chance it will already work with TrainerDay, because of the support of RowErg?

I am happy to make it work with SkiERG. I have one other friend/ trainerday user that is supposed to test it. If there is any problems and you are willing to work with us we will make sure it works. Ideally you are an Android user :slight_smile: My friend is iOS so that makes it slightly more complicated to fix. I think because we fixed BikeERG and RowERG works skiERG should also.


I can test from both OS, so no problem.
Are you gonna setup a SkiErg profile/activity?

Sure, we can do that, so that it posts to strava or other platforms correctly. When you get it let us know if it works in cycling or rowing and if it does we will just add skiERG.

Great :+1:

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