[Solved] - Android Phone app not respecting auto-rotate off

Hi there.

Really like the app, but my main bug bear is that the device orientation switches as soon as I move the phone, despite the auto-rotation feature being turned off.
This is particularly annoying when I try to clip the phone into a quadlock on the stem.

Hope that makes sense?

This is on a Nokia XR20 with Android 13

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I have quad lock too with iPhone and the exact same problem. I did not even know this was possible to turn off this auto-rotate, not sure if it is on iPhone. We will investigate and see what we can do because I absolutely understand how irritating this is. If nothing else we should allow turning auto-rotate off in our settings. Hopefully we can get to this in the next 2-weeks or so.

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I’ve noticed that when I run TD in portrait mode and turn the phone to landscape orientation, the app closes.

There is a bug in the chart we are using that causes this. Usually this only happens if you rotate it many times, but if you leave the app open for days it’s possible they are all adding up. Can you verify if it is a single turn or multipe that is causing this. I have to rotate it like 20 times on my phone to get this to happen. Previously we had a lock that says "Can’t rotate any more… we might need to to add this back.

A single spin and it only happens on the Today screen. If I run TD and go to the Quick Start screen, after turning to landscape view, the screen rotates and the application continues to run.
Galaxy S20, Android 13, TD 4.1.7

Oh today screen, wow. Ok let me check that. I thought you meant training screen.

I’ve sent you a video by e-mail :slightly_smiling_face:

Ok as I mentioned in email, this works fine for me on both Android and iOS so something with your TD data, or phone.

@conti Could you try to check this problem in version 4.1.8? This should be fixed in this version

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Unfortunately, the problem persists.

I wanted to add that this only happens on the Today screen. When you switch to Quick Start, it’s fine.

Drives me mad as well. I have rotate turned of but it still rotates.

We will get this soon.

Respect auto-rotate will be fixed in next build. @conti You still have this problem of crashing on rotation? So far no one reported this but if you want to work with us we could fix it.

Somehow it doesn’t bother me much, I set the app to start on the workout page and it’s OK. But yes, it crashes only on the Today tab. I’m happy to help.

This auto rotate issue is fixed. It will be released in next day or two.