[SOLVED] - Import activities from Strava

Hi :slight_smile: I think I have the same issue, as I had an account before which I deleted. Now all the new Strava activities are importing, but I can’t sync any old activities. Can you please look into it? Thanks!

We only sync back 100 days. And only show cycling. I don’t see any problem related to an old account. Did you go to our activities page and click on sync?

Yes, I tried the “Re-Sync”, but it only shows my latest activity, not those before.

Ok I will take a look

It looks like you did not give correct permissions. You need to disconnect and re-connect and give us all the permissions requested.

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. Sadly, that didn’t solve the problem.

Ok yes, I looked at your account. Seems ok, not sure why these are not showing up. I will have my developer look.

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Ok, so I don’t know the exact details but the basic idea is you have two accounts both connected to the same strava account. I believe you might even be paying for 2 accounts. My developer refreshed this account and fixed the issue.

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