[SOLVED] {"Msg": "Fail"} When connecting to Strava

Hello there,

I recently completed a workout and saved it today. It shows up on TrainerDay but not in Strava. I tried to resync from Strava on the TrainerDay website hoping it’d upload my activity but nothing was uploaded. So I thought maybe I could disconnect Strava from TrainerDay and reconnect and it’d upload my activity but when I try to reconnect the only response I get after authenticating with Strava is a JSON response: {“msg”:“fail”}.

Here’s the URL I get back (I’ve removed the web code uuid in case it’s privacy related) when I get the json response: https://coach.api.trainerday.com/strava/auth/callback?state=60310%2Chttps%3A%2F%2Fapp.trainerday.com%2Fapps-and-devices%2Cweb&code=xxxx&scope=read,activity:write,activity:read_all

Am I experiencing a timeout error from Strava? They recently had issues with Intervals.icu this week so maybe it’s related? Or is this a TrainerDay bug?

Strava may be having API problems again. I’ll wait before trying again. It seems similar to this issue: [SOLVED] - Unable to authorize TrainerDay to connect to strava - #4 by Alex

No issues reported here (yet) https://status.strava.com/

SOLVED. Without changing anything I was just able to connect.