[SOLVED] - Planned activities not saved after completion

I did a ramp test yesterday and clicked the “Planned workout done” box and “Save” in the “Training ended” dialogue after completion.

The problem: My completed activity is not synched to Strava (not a problem for me) but I can also not see it under the “My activities tab”. (Website as well as ios App)

I thought I did something wrong, but same happened after todays workout. No record of my activity in app or on the website.

After that I did around 7 short test drives. After completion there is a 50:50 chance that the activitiy is showing in app or on the website, so the problem is not persistent.

I tried with iphone 17.5.1 and ipad 15.7.9 - same issue on both devices.

Maybe someone has an idea if I am doing something wrong or if it is a bug which affects also others.

Thanks! Jan

Someone else reported similar. Maybe something with saving long workouts. Sorry about that. We will keep trying to reproduce this.

@Janski87 Please send a link to the workout session you are having trouble with.

Ok new version is available. It hopefully fixed this issue but also we added an emergency file download if there is is a problem saving during the workout.

Thank you!

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I am encountering this issue on my last two workouts. Yesterday, I did a workout and it wouldn’t save and gave a message about contacting support or posting on the forums. I didn’t have time to go online plus it was an easy endurance workout. I could just mark it complete on the calendar and move on.

When I opened the app today, and tried starting another workout, the app said I still had a workout going and needed to complete that one or discard it. I discarded it and started my next workout.

At the end of this workout, I received the same message and was unable to mark the workout complete in the app. I restarted the phone and the workout is still there but I can’t mark it complete.

I’m running the latest version of the app 5.1.7 on an iPhone 13 with iOS 18.1.1.

Please let me know if you have any ideas. Thank you.

We have a fix coming soon (hopefully later this week). It seems to be related to workouts with ramps.

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