During one of my training I noticed that the seconds are way too slow, and it’s not because of a hard interval haha. I took my phone and started a timer and what the app thought was 18 seconds the timer showed 38 seconds! Later when the workout was uploaded to strava it said 1 hour, but in real world time i trained for 1h and 30 mins! Luckily it was a zone 2 ride so I don’t actually mind
I am not sure if this is my old android tablet or it’s a bug in the software.
I’ve been using the app for several weeks now and I think this is the first time it happened.
Yes we have a new performance issue in the last release. We will have a fix next week. We added calories and distance and the real-time calculations seem to be slowing it down.
Wow, this is the quickest reply I’ve had on the internet! Thanks a lot, looking forward to the fix.
I do my best to respond to issues quickly but you also got lucky
Oh i think i was only !
I hope it’s quickly fixed because it’s impossible to use app with this bug This morning more 30 minutes more on a 3 hours Workout … Intervals at sweet spot swa so looooooooooong (and i’m late to the family lunch ^^)
Fix is coming tomorrow but we can’t reproduce this so we are hoping this fixes it but not 100% sure.
You’re the best !
Use the app for 3 years , i don’t want leave it ^^
I did another training session on my phone (which is significantly newer than my “training” tablet) and it was okay. Maybe in order to reproduce the issue we just need a slower hardware?
We have reproduced it too. Also worse with ramps. Fix is coming just waiting for approval.
1h30 of workout this morning and 0 problem
We have a new feature to show speed and distance at the bottom. Turning this on may still cause slow downs so don’t turn this on for anyone reading this. We are going to temporarily remove it most likley until we can fix the related performance issues.
I also have problems with the time of the workout, and several minutes are missing on all my workouts since Saturday. My impression is that I only have the issue when I leave the app in the background (what I always do). When I reopen it after a while, minutes are missing. It started a few days ago, I never had this issue before.
I also encountered this (or something like it) with yesterday’s workout. It was a zone-2 workout and I was mostly watching Netflix, not with the app in the foreground, in case that matters. The time recorded by the app was about 57 minutes, but actual time on the clock was about 108 minutes.
I found this thread, and also found there’s been an update since then, which I’ve downloaded. I’ll see how today’s workout goes.
where can we disable this functionality?
I couldn’t find it in “Settings → Other options”.
Sorry it’s just if you click at the bottom where it shows 100%, now you can toggle and see speed/distance/calories, but just leave it with the up/down arrows and it will be fine. This should be fixed soon so this actually works without affecting performance.
Timer is working smooth again. Thank you Alex and team.