Sync Completed Activity into

Hi again! Last question - can you confirm how I can sync a completed activity including heart rate and power data into

I can see how it is done for scheduled workouts but not completed activity.

Thank you.

Hi, it does not need to be your last question :slight_smile: I hope it’s not :slight_smile: Either connect both to Strava or connect both to Dropbox.

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Oh cool. I see you are the same person asking on Intervals forum :slight_smile:

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I’m doing my best to inspire people to use the Intervals/TrainerDay combo. It is a very good and affordable combo with highly responsive support!


Thanks so much. Even love the transparency of providing other options. For example if anyone mentions TrainerDay on the TrainerRoad forum they delete it ASAP and warn the person… I fully believe different people have different needs and we just want to be the best for some of those people :slight_smile:


Ahh ok, let me do a couple of test runs and get it working! Thank you so much :slight_smile:

Totally, the communities and support across both of these platforms is second to none, I’m super impressed and looking forward to supporting both

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Is there an objective reason behind this solution (synchronization via another service)? It would be nice to have direct communication between TD and both ways. In fact, all my friends who deal with TD expect it to work this way and I’m not surprised at all. Been there done that.

It’s really funny as I was just looking at the site data a minute ago, and I was looking where the largest number of users come from lately. You guessed it Intervals :slight_smile: Via forum, Authorization, Workout links…

The reason it works this way is our thinking is give users 1 way to do something to keep costs as low as possible. To explain this thinking farther, if we do everything everyone would like we will have so much code we will need to hire more people and eventually raise prices or slow our forward progress a lot. So it’s not that I am against it, I am just giving you the reasons.

Can you explain why dropbox or strava don’t work for you? You spend and extra minute or two the fist time but then you should never need to touch it again. And activities via Strava do go both directions, but dropbox does not.

Regarding planned workouts (not completed activities) from an agreement with TrainingPeaks perspective we can’t do 2 way, we only do 1.5 way and even that is pushing the edges.

Again, if you can provide more insight it can help understand how to prioritize this request. I am not totally against it. Really I would like it, but I try to keep costs down.

I know everyone would love both cheap and the simplest but those are not always compatible approaches from a long term perspective.

To be clear - I’m not complaining, Strava works well for me, but mainly because it is a hub collecting data of my trainings from various devices. I was simply curious about the reasoning behind the chosen solution.

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Yes when we started this process both Intervals and us were fairly small. The bigger we both get the more likely a closer integration will get. It’s funny because David and I are friends and we both started about the same time and are growing at a very similar pace so we share stories.

So I would say long term the likely hood of this happening is very good as it appears we will both be major players at some point, and arguably are at this moment. But when you are low cost like we both are, we are not major players from a revenue perspective… But that seems it will change as well.

David is incredible because he is a one man show other than his wife’s help. We have a whole team and barely keep up with his speed.

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I am there from the very beginning on both and my gut told me from the very beginning that there´s a lot of potential in both. On the condition that each sticks with it’s own origin…
Why implement something here that is available at Intervals? When I was searching for a workout player, I discovered TrainerDay and fell in love with the simplicity that offered me anything I was looking for. In combination with Intervals, almost anything can be accomplished. I sincerely don´t like/want things to become more complicated just because someone else would like to have all on one platform. There are sufficiently other solutions for that, but they are much more costly and less prompt in reaction to user-requests.

Actually he is just asking for direct integration rather than having Strava in the middle, or really was just asking why does strava need to be in the middle . Not asking for any new functionality.

But yes I see a pretty clear line between the two platforms and unless something is very basic and fundamental for users that just want simple then I don’t see any reason to add any more overlap other than us building out our calendar more which we both have.

Guys that want serious reporting and metrics and advance features on that side should have Intervals and hopefully TD as well, and ones that want simple training can have only TD. There may be some users that are semi in the middle of this, meaning Intervals is too much and TD is too little but I think that is a minority.

Our main goal is just to perfect/polish what we have, including a long list of small improvements and we have one idea for a killer feature that could be an industry game changer we are working on. Or we hope it is :slight_smile:

Everything changes. Recently, Strava’s privacy and data sharing policies have changed drastically, and despite the company’s claims that showing data to coaches is fine, I believe trust in them cannot be rebuilt. Besides, is not just a platform for athlete-coach relationships. My activity data has disappeared for the entire group of friends, not necessarily using Strava.

In this context, I’m left with the only option of syncing TD and intervals through DropBox, another external service over which we have no control.

In my opinion, this is the last chance to take a piece of the pie laid out by Strava - strengthening the cooperation between TD and intervals to build a cohesive ecosystem. I don’t understand why TD would resist direct synchronization with the excellent and accessible service that intervals is.

By the way, intervals gives the impression that such activity synchronization with TD is already possible - in the connection options, you can clearly check that you want to transfer recorded activities between these two platforms. However, in my case, checking this option doesn’t change anything.
Zrzut ekranu (541)

Hi, David and I are fairly good friends and I love Intervals so the only reason I resist is due to lack of time. If you read David’s latest post, he talked to them on the phone and they said really this was about protecting users privacy and they did not mean to limit users sharing with coaches. It sounded kind of like a mistake but at the same time, it shifted me in the position of questioning their interest of their users. I don’t know if it is true but they should publicly admit this mistake after the DC rainmaker article if they really do care about their users. I did make a stance myself and cancelled my strava premium stating that was the reason.

So I am 100% on board with your line of thinking here is that the small guys should ban together to create their own eco systems, and minimize reliance on the big guys. For most Garmin is pretty hard to get around and they have similar issues. I can say the support team for Garmin Partners is very good but they have their hands tied.

I am actually seeing if I can provide a better experience for Intervals users soon (some top secret stuff :)) and part of this we could consider this enhancement.

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What 'bout the screenshot with “read/update activities”? Do I miss something here?

Yes, we still have to write a lot of code to make this work. You just did permissions but that is in-depended of our code required to make it work.

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