TD workouts not sync'ing to Strava

I connected TrainerDay with Strava when I first upgraded, and from that created a Coach Jack Plan. I completed my first workout and it showed up on Strava. A couple days later I completed my next workout, however it never showed up on Strava. I have since completed a total of 5 workouts and only the first one is in Strava.

I tried using the Strava sync link on My Activities page, and the 4 workouts not uploaded have the Strava icon in the upper right corner of each blinking, and when I hover on them the pop-up says “Sync in progress”.

I have tried disconnecting from Strava and re-connecting, then hitting the Strava sync link. However, these 4 workouts still show “Sync in progress”. Also these workouts don’t show up on my Activities page, but perhaps if they get up to Strava then they will sync up to from Strava.

So sorry, I completely forgot to respond to this. I assume this is fixed now.

Actually, these 4 workouts still show “Sync in Progress” and when I try to use the Strava sync icon, nothing happens. I have completed subsequent workouts and they all have uploaded to Strava. Something just seems to be “stuck” with these 4 workouts - not a big deal now as it seems that new workouts are getting uploaded, but just thought it might be something to look at.

Thanks we will review.