Training Peaks feed

We thought it was resolved. Sorry we will look again.

Glad it’s not just me :rofl:
I’ve disabled the calendar sync and just send daily workouts, so haven’t tried it. I have just created a new climbing plan, which I was going to test the sync with, but as it is not due to start until April, I haven’t sent it. Will hang fire for now.

I am having trouble syncing my tp calendar to trainerday, it shows up in the app but not on webpage, any thoughts?

Hi Bent, yes we only show it in the app. We only get the next couple days workouts. I am curious is there a specific reason you want to see it on our website?

Hi Alex, thanks for your reply. I wanted to move some of the dates around and I only have the free version of tp. How do I manually move a workout from tp to trainerday?

Yeah, we can’t even do that, meaning we can’t update TP dates in the future. That is how they hook you in. You can do the painful process of downloading one workout at a time and loading to our calendar.

how do I download the workout?

Go to the calendar in TrainingPeaks click export. See below. If you took all your workouts added them to your library in TD, and then add them to a plan and send that plan to your calendar, that would be the best, then you could re-use this plan in the future.

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You have to switch to using our calendar rather than TP WOD, see below

or if you like more flexible option, when you add your workouts to a plan, just make that plan active and rather than following on specific days you can just follow one workout after the next. I can create a complete video on how to do this if you want.

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which format should I export them in? I would be using my iphone as my source for trainerday.

I would use ZWO but any of them should work

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