True absolute power without conversion

It seems like in a custom workout when you set the power targets as absolute wattage values instead of %FTP, the app translates this into %FTP and when doing the workout the translation back to absolute power it rounds of wrong. For example today I did a workout where I had set the target to 250W, but when doing the workout the target were set to 248W.

I’d say it’s a bug, but I suspect it’s a “feature” based on the internal data structure of the workouts. So a feature request is that the power targets can be expressed as both absolute values and %FTP, so we don’t get this annoying rounding error.

Yes I agree it’s more of a bug… I just tested it and can see it just in the saved workout when you re-open it, if it was 80.4% and you save and re-open it is 80%. I can’t remember why we did this. But fixing the rounding should be possible without a huge amount of work. Locking that fixed value is more work for sure but also something many users both want and expect. I will see if we can fix the rounding sooner than later and leave this a a request for fixed power values so even when you change your FTP they don’t change.

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It would seem like rounding to tenths and then rounding to whole power values would be enough accuracy that you would not lose anything.

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I saw yesterday while editing a workout, I switched from watts to %FTP and them switched back to watts and I saw decimals on them

Yes I did the same, but if you save and re-open they will disappear.