watchOS 8 support

Hello, good morning, in the last update, watchOS 8 support appeared as a feature. However, my Apple Watch does not show the application or the possibility of installing it. Is there a problem that escapes me?

Hi Angel again. As we discussed in email, let me ask my developer if he has any ideas.

I don’t know if it will have anything to do with it, but in the compatibility list of the AppStore it still puts watchOS 9 as a requirement.

Oh, yes that is probably the problem. Thanks so much we should be able to get this fixed soon.

New build is uploaded. Just waiting for Apple to approve it. Just fixed this issue you mentioned hopefully that solves it.

Sorry try one more time. We have new version today.

Yes​:clap::clap: Installed on watchos 8 and working correctly! At first it didn’t work and a sign warned you to use the main app, but after restarting and reinstalling, everything was correct! Thank you very much for the support, count on my trust​:+1:

Great news!!! Thanks for the great response.

Buenos días:
Siento volver a escribir, pero desde que actualicé el iPhone a iOS 15.7.8, la aplicación Apple Watch y la aplicación iPhone no establecen contacto. La advertencia “tienes que abrir un entrenamiento en la aplicación principal” aparece de nuevo. He intentado reinstalar y reiniciar.
Un saludo, Ángel

Sorry to hear Angel. I will see if my developer can see what the problem is.

Hola. Try looking at the permissions in the Health app, it may have been disabled after the update

Checked: the permissions had not been withdrawn. As a precaution, I have removed them manually and reactivated them. The problem persists.

Please specify the exact versions of your devices and iOS/WatchOS versions

iPhone 7, iOS 15.7.8
Apple Watch SE 8.8.1

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