Watts used during workout

I would like to calculate the median (not average) of watts during workout so I can calculate kcal used. The median is the same number on either side. If you use average that would skew the results to a high peak during a few minutes of ride.

I’m pretty sure work-energy is an integration of power over time and hence by definition is average power multiplied by time.

Your absolutely right. If I could output my watts/over workout period. then I could do integration (xcel or anything else) I was trying to coarsely intergrate on screen by eye taking average. So if there is a output that I could use to get raw watts that would be great.
thanks for reply

Not sure if you want another “tool” to use, but Golden Cheetah will give you your total work in kJ for each imported work out, based on your power data.

It’s also likely you could find a tool to convert gpx to csv. Google shows some examples but not sure if the csv will have watts.