WOD from multiple sources

Love the WOD and Today functionality, it makes morning rides that much easier.

For different days, some of my workouts come from training peaks and some from intervals.icu. There is not good automation sync between intervals.icu and TP (afaict but would love to know if others found a solution).

TD supports WOD from both, but only allows toggling on one source (I am sure by design and for some good reason).

I would like to enable both. In my case there would never be two WODs on the same day, but even if there where then I could see it being useful to see both on the Today tab.

Maybe that would be taking the current WOD view that says “Intervals.icu WOD” with WOD: and clickable buttons for various sources that have a WOD for the day, including TD.

Wow you are the first I have heard of anyone doing this including having TP premium and intervals. Nice, I like it. You can do this with a few clicks in our app (settings/connections/wod, then refresh) now but it would be nice if there was a faster selector like we have on the website now. I will think about this.

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Following this as well, I am in a similar situation.

I have a CJ plan that I activated on my calendar and works perfectly on the WOD/Today functionality.

But, there are days that I want to add a spin workout which I create from Intervals.icu. I would like that to sync with the WOD/Today’s page on the TD app.

It seems like the current setup is from one source only, if I sync the CJ plan with Intervals.icu, it breaks the TD app WOD/Today’s feature, but additional Intervals.icu workouts show up under the Workout tab.

But if I activate CJ plan in TD calendar, the workout sync between Intervals.icu is broken

Sync should not break WOD. Maybe we can discuss this more for now.

Let me think more about this request. Because I don’t believe it makes it more confusing for other users and is probably not that complicated it’s not a bad request. I love giving more flexibility to how people train, especially when it is not confusing.