Workout Bilder seems to generate incorrect text description

when creating a new workout, and adding data into the rows one by one as shown in the screenshot, the workout builder generates a text description, which does not match the table. This seems to have no effect on the workout itself when executing it with the TD app. But when the workout is synced to it seems that intervals uses the text description for the workout and it results in the activity not matching the workout (see screenshot). Or did I do something wrong when creating the workout?
Kind regards,

Workout in TD

Workout and activity in

Looks like a bug, we will get it fixed. You could switch out of sets and reps and review it and fix it I think.

Not using “Sets & Reps” does not fix it (at least for this workout). Up until and including the row t=30:00 it looks good, see screenshot. But when I add the row t=35:00, the builder somehow ignores the different durations for the 3rd and 4th reps and generates one set repeated 4 times, see the second screenshot. However, this happens only if the durations for the 3rd/4th repetitions are equal, and different from the duration for the 1st/2nd repetition. If the durations for 3rd and 4th reps are different, it looks good again.

So far so good, the 3rd rep has different resting duration that the 1st and 2nd:

Adding one more rep with the same resting duration as the 3rd one:

After changing the resting duration of the 4th rep to other value it looks good again:

Yeah it’s trying to combine them even with different rests. I guess you could change target to 76. So 75,76,75 and it should not merge them but we will fix this asap.

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This should be fixed now. It works for me and my tests anyway :slight_smile:

Oops sorry not yet but coming in the next day or so.