Hello, I’ve got two problems with the app. FTP power and heart rate is set up but it does the wrong numbers on both. On the pictures you can see what I mean. The Garmin training was unusable.
Greets3 and I hope to get some help.
Hello, I’ve got two problems with the app. FTP power and heart rate is set up but it does the wrong numbers on both. On the pictures you can see what I mean. The Garmin training was unusable.
Greets3 and I hope to get some help.
So we have a bug in our description in the app. So the the description is wrong but the workout should be right. We send the watt targets to Garmin but if you updated your FTP after they workout was sent then it will be wrong. You must re-send it to garmin. It should work fine at that point other than the description bug.
Ok. This is good. But what happens with the Garmin HR workout? It’s all on Z1? Thanks for the fast answer
Oh sorry yes that is another bug, we just launched a new version of our HR converter… That particular workout is not good for HR because because you can’t really dial in the right level HR but still it should retain the intervals with zone 5 HR level. That bug should be fixed soon.
Normally we don’t have so many bugs, you just ran into 2 of them.
Thanks, in this case I didn’t need the right HR but I didn’t even know what coming next on my Garmin