Wrong workout-link in Google calendar (RESOLVED)

When you send a training-plan to Google calendar, the link to every workout in the plan is always https://app.trainerday.com/workouts/null and that goes to a 404 - Page not found.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-12-12 um 11.19.03

It would also be great to have it as an all-day-event and not set to a specific time.

Oh sorry about that. We will get this fixed ASAP. I assume this week.

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Can you explain why all day is better. You are probably right I just want to understand and maybe we will change that at the same time.

For me, the calendar entry is more like a task for the day and not an appointment at a specific time. That‘s why I‘d like it as an all day event in the top area of the day. If, for any reason, I have to plan the workout into my daily schedule, I can move it from there to the correct time.

Currently, when I send the plan to Google, TD sets the time for all workouts to 14:00. That makes no sense to me at all :wink:

I didn‘t know that this was already fixed :slight_smile: The link in the workout decription is now working correctly and it‘s an all-day-event. Thank you!

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Oops, sorry got busy with Chrismas :slight_smile: You are welcome.

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