Zona 2 y Coach Jack plan

Hola tengo un plan largó con Jack, y en los entrenamientos de Z2 se me dispara el ritmo cardíaco, mi Zona 2 según es de máximo 145 y hoy en 45 minutos de entrenamiento fueron 11 en zona 3 (152 minutos) es ésto correcto y no afecta a mis 8 semanas de basé o cómo puedo decirle a Jack qué me haga un entrenamiento de base, perdón pero es que apenas estoy aprendiendo

Translation of what you asked

Hello, I have a plan with Jack, and in the Z2 training my heart rate shoots up, my Zone 2 according to it is a maximum of 145 and today in 45 minutes of training there were 11 in zone 3 (152 minutes) is this correct and not Does it affect my 8 weeks of base training or how can I tell Jack to give me base training, sorry but I’m just learning

My response.

Coach Jack does not do Zone 2 heart rate, coach jack provides Zone 2 power. We want to add Zone 2 heart rate to Coach Jack but have not yet. At this time if you want to do zone 2 heart rate you should just go to Quick start and press HR button and set your target heart rate. You don’t need any special workouts like from Coach Jack.

Ahh ok thanks, a question my wife also want to start Training, but as beginner only will usé zone 2 there it’s a family plan or 2 riders option on app? Or the free app can do zone 2 ? Thanks

We are obviously very low price so I love getting full price :slight_smile: But if it it really helps I do what I can. I only offer discounts on yearly plans in cases like this. If you are interested in yearly let me know and email me at support@trainerday.com or you can private message me here.

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