Zwift Click support

Wondering if there are any plans to add support for the Zwift Click virtual shifting device that accompanies the new Zwift Hub One.

At the moment, it requires the Zwift app to work and pass commands to the trainer to raise or lower resistance. Apparently Zwift have indicated that the protocol will be open for other vendors to use, so integrating it to TrainerDay should be technically possible.

Just logged in to request a feature like this. I often manually (ie via the app/touch screen) switch between Erg and Slope modes or adjust Slope % up/down for intervals. It would be great to be able to do this using a bluetooth remote of some sort.


Oh that’s a nice idea. Let me research all this more.

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Sorry forgot to respond but seeing more requests helps.

Looks like with the latest release of the Kickr Core with integrated Zwift Hub /Click this will be even more relevant.

I just saw Chad McNeese (TrainerRoad guru and happens to also be a friend of mine) answer that TrainerRoad will not work with virtual gears only Zwift will. My guess is that is part of the agreement of Zwift passing the hardware off to Wahoo. I guess if someone wanted to hack this it should be possible to figure it out but might be a bit time consuming.

I wonder if that’s referring to the current state of affairs only? DC Rainmaker is reporting that Wahoo/Zwift have promised API documentation for 3rd party app support of the Click controllers. Wahoo KICKR CORE Zwift One: In-Depth Review | DC Rainmaker (In the section App/Connectivity Compatibility)

Oh cool. I guess if they are promising this then it should be coming. Seems they should focus on what is best for the customer.

Logged in to ask for this as well haha. I just joined TrainerDay and this would be the last thing to make this already fantastic app perfect. I click the +/- buttons frequently and this would make it so much easier.

Wahoo says they are going to publish the data on this so it might be possible. But they move kind of slow at times.

Another thought in the meantime is to have an option for a generic bluetooth ‘shortcut key’ (? via BT keyboard protocol) assignable to the different erg/slope/HR modes and the +/- buttons.

People have made DIY controllers for use this way with Zwift that aren’t reliant on the Zwift Click protocol: