Best way to analyse load/TSS and track progress from week to week

When following a TD plan, I can see that ‘my calendar’ view on TD gives a view that shows the anticipated TSS score for that week’s planned activities.

Then within the ‘My Activities’ section, it has a list of my previously completed TD activities as well as a bar chart at the top showing a simple graphical view of my weekly activity.

My question is, does TD have a view, perhaps within the calendar, that allows a user to track the actual TSS achieved from completed workouts from one week to the next, or to track fitness progress more broadly?

From searching the forum, I can see that some people appear to be using TrainingPeaks or (neither of which I’ve used before) to track and analyse their activities.

I have my Garmin and Trainer Day accounts currently linked to Strava, which captures all my activities, but that doesn’t provide the mechanism to analyse weekly training volumes or track fitness progression.

I’m wondering whether or not I should set up an account and connect that to my TD account and use as the hub to assess and track my fitness progress - on the assumption that I can also connect it to my Garmin (or Strava) to include my outdoor rides in any overall calculation?

Trying to avoid letting things get too complicated as there is a learning curve with any new system. I’m already down with Strava and Garmin at this point, but still at the start of my understanding with TD (which is clearly a really powerful and effective platform, the more you get to understand it). The thought of having to get my head around another platform isn’t something I’m relishing, but I would like to start tracking my fitness progress in a bit more detail, so if I have to start getting up to speed with, then I will.

Appreciate advice from other TD friends on how they best achieve this aim. Thx :slight_smile:

Analysis is something that just goes deeper and deeper as you go. There becomes more questions than answers :slight_smile: or it can feel that way. We don’t have anything now. We will very slowly introduce small and simple enhancements but for true analysis you need something more sophisticated. Fitness calculation requires full PMC functionality so I don’t see that coming, splitting planned and actual TSS is likely to come but nothing now.

Intervals is a lot more powerful and much better price (even free but we recommend paying if you use it). TP is much more polished, simpler and more expensive.

Thanks, Alex. Appreciate your sage advice, as always.

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I advise you to use, it is perfectly integrated with Trainerday and you will have the answers to your questions… it analyzes the topic of loads and the related improvement in form very well