Many people struggle with a good outdoor structured training approach. The way Coach Jack’s workouts are designed I believe that can be improved.
I know each rider has his own preferences. Here are the main ideas I am focused on.
- Outdoor text based
- Garmin
- Outdoor app (for example using our app outdoors)
Because Coach Jacks workouts are composed of 4 components. Warm-up, main work, secondary work, and cool down. Really only the main work should be followed closely. In many cases the main work might only be 15-25 minutes of a 90 minute ride for example.
#1 - Outdoor Text Based (could be called top tube sticker)
90m training
15m - warm up
20m - main work
Secondary work (Zone 2/3)
10m - cool down
Really that can be written as
90m total - main work 3 X 1m@240w + 1.5m@rests
You could have an email just sending you this main work and once you got used to it you could almost memorize after a quick pre-ride glance. No need to follow your garmin or an app.
Many pros use this method of following a workout. I think it is is a good one.
#2 Garmin
So currently people can send their entire workout to Garmin but if you want to do your main work at a certian location (nice hill), it’s hard to time it right. We could do the lap button feature for warmup so you start and press lap to get to your main work… But we also could just create a workout that is only comprised of main work. So 3 different Garmin options (current solution = strict, lap button, main work only)
#3 our app. So I know most cyclists don’t want to use a phone on their bike but slowly it seems people are moving in this direction. We are planning on enhancing our app to record GPS (outdoor mode) and also considering this “Garmin lap button” functionality so you can focus on main work.
All these features would and can work when you design your own workouts as well.
My point here is just to get a discussion going that people give ideas on either how to improve the outdoor experience or feedback and deeper discussion what what I am presenting here.