Coach Jack - Outdoor to Indoor?

HI all,

I have just set out on a Coach Jack Program and generally want to ride my long ride outside but this weekend it is looking like it will be ICY on the roads so want to do my ride inside. Is there any way I can convert my outside scheduled (HR based) ride to an indoor ride (Power based) so I can do my endurance ride on the trainer this weekend?

Why not (continue) do a HR based ride indoors?

In any case, I think there is an option to do Power to HR (there’s a table somewhere i saw on the forum for a list of Offset or something) not sure about HR to Power tho

I have actually managed to do this now by going into the calendar and clicking on the little heart icon which has managed to convert it back to power again, meaning I can do this inside via ERG now - Thanks :slight_smile:

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