Does TD or CJ need completed workouts to function?

Hi all,

pretty new to TD. Just started my first CJ training plan this week. So far pretty happy with the plan. Been tinkering around with all the connections though. I use as my primary “source of truth”. All my rides are uploaded there. I have a free Strava account as well but don’t really like using it. Same goes for Trainingpeaks. I’d like to keep it simple and only use TD, intervals, and my wahoo bike computer.

I used my wahoo and the TD app both for one workout to figure out which I like better. I prefer the wahoo just for the simplicity and consistency - it’s what I use for my outdoor workouts as well.

However, I didn’t find a way to upload my completed workouts from wahoo to TD without going through Strava. downloads them just fine but TD seems to have no option for that. As initially mentioned, I’d like to avoid using Strava.

That brings me to my actual question: do I need the completed workouts in TD or does it not matter? Does TD or CJ work with my results at all, as in overall training progression, ramping up, suggesting follow up training plans once I complete my initial one. Or is it enough to input my updated FTP and weekly workout hours, once I completed the current plan?

Thanks for you advice!

PS: if you have a better suggestion to linking those accounts/workouts, I’m happy to take that into consideration as well :slight_smile:

Hi if Intervals is your source of truth, I don’t see any great need to have your completed workouts in TrainerDay. Right now Strava is the only way to get completed workouts other than our app into TrainerDay. I would say what you are requesting is to have direct integration with Intervals in that we show completed activities from Intervals in TD or Intervals>dropbox>TD for example. Not sure why you don’t like Strava but you can always create a hidden account that no one knows about. But I can appreciate it if you just don’t want your data there.

Thank you for the prompt reply!

It’s basically just the “ease of use”. I don’t see any value from Strava, especially the free account, over intervals. Then why use it?

So there is no “feedback loop” into CJ from completed workouts? I was hoping to see some feature that would assess my training success and suggest follow-up training plans to fit my progression. Seems like this is (currently) not an implemented feature?

On a side note: I saw that I can manually tag workouts as completed on the TD calendar. However, it seems to not count them as “work done” as the stress is not added into the weekly goal. Is that intended or an oversight?

Oh so in this case, just use strava as a transparent transfer mechanism. It’s just in the background transferring workouts. But no, CJ is just a plan builder at this point, but we make it very easy to edit the original plan and update your calendar. So it requires more of a hands on approach. We have worked on making a dynamic CJ version for years but we just don’t love any of the solutions we have come up with so we are delaying it at this point. We think with a little knowledge a user is better capable of making adjustments then we can do at this point. We try to make this as easy as possible.

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Yeah, I was thinking about that as well. I just don’t like the use of extra tools that don’t really add any value. I might reconsider it.

For now, I will just stick with the above and use TD “just” for building plans, and intervals for analysis and “keeping me honest”/compliance. Fair enough on the dynamic part. I understand that that might be very tricky “to get right”.

PS: I saw the updates around the 1.5-way sync between TD and intervals. What’s the reason for not having a full 2-way sync as in having workouts in intervals sync to TD as you have with Strava?

Actually 1.5 refers to the workouts not completed activities. We do not sync new workouts added in Intervals to your TD calendar as we can’t allow those workouts to flow to TrainingPeaks. Syncing activities is something else that we just never implemented. There are lots of sources for completed activities, Garmin being the second most popular/standard after Strava. Intervals users represent about 20% of our users and most use Strava so you for example are one of the first people to request this. Most people just accept strava as a connector even if they don’t plan to use it. Similar to using dropbox as a connector.

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Also I saw on the TrainerRoad forum someone suggesting they use ProBikeTracker to know when to change their chain or brake pads. I set it up and will try this also. This also uses strava for example