Editing a workout form your plan

I am currently working through a plan which is loaded into my calendar on TD.

There are days that I have the time or the inclination to do a longer workout and I’m trying to see if I’m able to edit a workout from within my calendar/plan.

I’ve had a look around the forum and it seems that there is the ability to edit a workout, but that doesn’t seem to be available from workouts within current plans, if that makes sense? (Apologies if I’m missing something obvious.)

It’s not straight forward but it’s pretty fast but a couple of steps

  1. go to calendar, click on workout and copy workout
  2. edit that workout, save
  3. send that workout to calendar
  4. Delete original from the calendar

We will improve this at some point but other than editing the workout you should be able to do this in 10-20 seconds. I can do it in 10 seconds if I hurry :slight_smile: (not including editing)

Big thanks for the super quick and typically helpful response, Alex. Many thanks!

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