New Version HERE FINALLY (1.6.11 on production Wed Dec 16th)

Well, I just run the *.erg file on the galaxy tab, nothing else. This time, no problems.

The normal training setup is TD coupled to a Neo T2 and the old SRM cranks coupled to the SRM head unit. Both use the same HRM.

Let me try to clear this up:
The problem during the first two workouts with v.1.6.11 was not any discrepancy between the SRM system and TD. It was the dicrepancy between a normal clock versus the TrainerDay time counter.
When the TrainerDay counter was counting down the last 5 minutes I looked at the clock on the wall. When the TD counter reached 0 , the clock on the wall showed 11 minutes had elapsed. The clock on the galaxy tab agreed with the clock on the wall.

I can not think of any possible interference from the SRM system.

I will make some screenshots on the monday workout.

Yes I am thinking it is a bug in our code somehow related to SRM, try recording in our app without SRM connected.

Sorry, I forgot to mention:
My old SRM crank speak ANT+ only and the galaxy tab I am running the TD APP on can not receive ANT+.

So the galaxy tab/TrainerDay App can only connect to the neo 2T via bluetooth.

Oh I see, that changes everything :slight_smile: I wondered why the data looked so diffrent. So I have 2T and Tab A (but been testing other devices lately but I can test that if needed) so Google should approve 1.7.3 today so maybe that will resolve the issue. This is strange though.