I’d like to mark workouts from the current active plan as done (like in a check-list) and the next not-marked workout to appear automatically on the trainer-tab in the app.
Today I had to scroll down, down, down to day 16 of my plan, scrolled past it, scrolled back, found it and finally (I know that we’re talking only about a few seconds ;-)) I could start my workout. And that’s only a 6 week-plan.
For those of us coming from trainerroad, you sort of expect things like this. This is actually a really great feature… when it’s 5:30am and you’ve rolled out of bed onto the trainer the last thing you want is to have to fiddle with your app. I keep choosing the wrong day by accident also.
I’m done by that time - why do you get up so late?
Yes we have another feature request for this one. I was thinking of automatically marking as done, but you right, if someone does some of their workouts in our app and some outside or zwift or else where it would be better to offer the ability to mark it off. Good point.
Yes I know, it’s funny when something is similar even if it is 4$/month instead of 20$/month we still want all the features of a 20$/month app at least the ones we care about. I am very aware of this human nature flaw… I am the same trust me…
Well, this is a feature from the “old” TR before they forced you to use a calendar. So it’s a feature from the 7,99 $ time
Actually this is super easy to do so happy to include it. TR adding their calendar, was something that frustrated me
Hi Alex, is it possible when I start the App and go to the library page to see the actual day? The view start always at day 1… It would be helpful when the view is at the actual training day with the actual workout.
best regards, Christian
You could vote on my feature request from November last year that goes in the same direction
Definitely something that is needed and on the list for this year.
It would be nice when following a plan in the app that once you finish a workout it disappears from the plan list.
Would make finding the correct activity much easier especially for some of the longer plans.
There could then be a toggle to show/hide completed activities and if they are toggled to show, completed ones could have a different colour.
Just a thought.
There‘s already a feature request for that. You should vote for Pre-select or automatically scroll to next workout from active plan
As a workaround, you could send your plan to intervals.icu and use the workout of the day feature in the app. That‘s what I‘m doing and it‘s working great
Sorry must of missed it when I did a search.
Will do
I like this idea, in case you want to repeat something. I still want to figure out how to improve this but I believe training plans should generally be more dynamic espececially a sequence of progressive overload so some times you repeat a workout, it some cases you might skip one and go to the next one (more rare). Your idea solves that problem.
So I know many people are using IntervalsICU and TrainingPeaks workout of the day (WOD) feature. But for people like me that like to loosely follow a plan or prefer to use a single product we are going to improve this as suggested.
There are other advantages to our “non-calendar” appraoch for example if you are doing a progressive workout sequence some times you should repeat the last workout until you have fully adapted. Or if you take a break you might want to back up a little in your sequence or if it is just too easy you might want to skip forward.
You can see below that we will scroll to the next workout on your list and highlight that it is your current workout in your plan.
This should be here in the next month.
I realized I never marked this as completed and never responded that this is done. Right now if you perform a workout in our app it automatically progresses. Now as others have pointed out they would like to “check off” outdoor workouts as completed so we will treat that as a seperate request.