Stages SB20 owners group

Alex I’ve been testing it and what happens is the following, if we stop pedaling for any length of time, when we go back to pedaling everything works correctly, the problem is if we pause, this is where things don’t work

Because when we press play again the training does not recover from the paused state, to solve what I can find out is in the following ways

When we press pause and then select SLOPE and ERG again, when we press play again everything works correctly

Another solution is if we press pause then play, it won’t work, so just do SLOPE again and then ERG and it recovers

In this test I used an Iphone 14 Pro Max with IOS version 16.1.1, with the latest version of Trainerday

On Android I don’t know if this problem exists that I haven’t tested

I’ve noticed the same behavior on an Android tablet but not just when I pause a workout. It also happens a few times during longer workouts. When the resistance is supposed to change it stays at the same level of the previous interval. My fix was to hit the percentage + then - buttons and it works again.

It almost seems like the trainer is expecting a watt target from TD but doesn’t get one or misses it until you manually force a new target. This doesn’t appear to happen during ramps as there’s a new target sent every couple of seconds.

Alex - Is there a way for TD to periodically send the target watts every n seconds or so or maybe a couple of times after starting/resuming or a wattage change?

hi alex,
i love that you took the time to get back here and remind me to follow up. it turned out that the ipad required a system update. i forget now which one it was, but after i did it i didn’t see a dropout again. i think either the app or the ipad are quite sensitive to system or app updates. the 1 or 2 issues i’ve seen since this incident were all resolved with either an apple update or a trainerday app update. so now i make sure both are up to date before either of us ride.
great stuff this app. not perfect, but still great. thanks so much for the follow up

We try to do this now. Lots of devices report errors when you send them a target wattage or say they are busy try to update later. So we try to send when ever we can but obviously there are instances where we need to send more requests and are not. Some devices get flooded with too many requests easily so we try not to over send updates. It’s some tricky balance. But now that we see something repeatable here, and I am sure that other non-SB20 users experience something similar from time to time we will dig into this further. We should be able to fix this.


Thanks so much for responding. Please elobrate on not-perfect :slight_smile: If you have any suggestions. We know a lot of things we need to do, including 100% rock solid stability. But if there is anything that you can share that you haven’t please do.

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Oh sure a few things, none major. No particular order:

  1. The main workout page always defaults to the “20 Free App” folder regardless of whether you’ve created other folders with your workouts. I don’t see any way to change the default folder on startup

  2. Every workout annoyingly records 2 hundreths of a second shorter than the actual workout time. so a 90 minute workout is 89:98m. a 45 minute workout is 44:98, 30 minutes is 29.98 and so on

  3. I would love to see a real-time watt range gauge while pedaling. So if the target is 200 watts, the green range is 195 to 205 or so and I need to actively keep the needle within that range. Interestingly it looks like you’re working on something like this but I only see it on Android and when I tried it the other day it wasn’t very responsive (but that could have been my power smoothing setting at play). I don’t see it whatsoever on iOS

  4. Uploaded completed workouts to Strava just have a title. Would love to see a screenshot of the completed workout image as well. It would help with advertising too probably…

  5. Would love to see support for pairing and integration of other devices on screen, specifically something like the Core body temp sensor. They recently were added to Fulgaz so I know integration is possible. Just want to see something like my core temp in some corner somewhere

not possible. Not allowed by Strava. Only restricted to the bigger guys (TR/Rouvy/ etc) who has more “negotiation power”?

interesting addition. I would guess it’s entirely possible, just need to find out whats the UUID of those devices from and such.

If you’re on an indoor trainer, how useful would this be I’m wondering. Typically, when I ride, i admit that I just turn on some youtube or TV and let the trainer does it job.

#1 is bug that is fixed. It should always remember your last tab. I thought this was already in the latest version available but my developer got sick so it might not have made it yet.

#2 interesting. I always use auto-extend but never hear this before. We will investigate.

#3 We kind of have this with our zones setting. It will keep you in zone but not within a + - range. It should be totally responsive, but just zone based. I will consider this for ranges as a setting also.

#4 yes as App4G pointed out this is not possible. We tried hard to get this, but they just ignore my requests. I even contacted the product manager via linkedin :slight_smile: One of my partners here at TrainerDay is friends with one of the Strava founders but I don’t want to push that avenue until we are bigger :slight_smile:

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#1 definitely not fixed. repeatable on android and ipad os

#2 yeah it sends to strava fine, but if you look in my trainerday history everything is 1 or 2 seconds short

#3 for me the hands down best practice here is doing a workout in Zwift while using the companion app. the companion app shows a gauge with the current target range. stay within that range and it’s green. fall out of it (or go to hard and overshoot) and it turns red. it’s brilliant and pretty much the only thing i ever liked about that platform. as i said, the android version of trainerday is doing SOMETHING with a green gauge and a white moving pointer under the watts window, but i’m not sure what’s going on (99% of the time i’m on iOS)

#4. understood, but maybe a workaround would be to provide a .jpg screenshot of the effort that i could then attach to strava? just something to visualize the effort if i go back and look at them in that platform. interestingly, this image already exists in and i can easily scrub through the effort too. IDK maybe i’m fixating on strava too much and should just look at the trainerday history that has everything anyway lol…

#1, I have beta version and it is fixed but there are other bugs it appears in beta version only that need to be fixed first.
#2 thanks for clarification
#3 got it
#4 we have this now but currently only on the website. My app developer is always too busy to keep up :slight_smile: If you go to the activity details page you will see it but yes we need to add this to the app

I’m currently using my road bike on a Wahoo Kickr, I’ve looked into the Stages SB20 and see that there are some accuracy/lag issues in ERG mode as well as some issues with accuracy with crank battery depletion/foot placement/etc.

I would only be using it in ERG mode, any good news stories with firmware updates or otherwise?

I can’t speak to the accuracy but I did recently get some Favero pedals for my road bike and was going to do a side-by-side comparison this winter at some point.

There is just a bit of lag in ERG mode - maybe a second before it starts applying the new power target and then another couple of seconds before it’s actually at that target. I’ve read that they’re working on software/firmware updates but I haven’t seen any yet. I only ride ERG with TD and it’s not even an annoyance.

Not sure what you mean by foot placement - I have a set of Ultegra pedals on there and they work just fine. Q factor seems pretty similar to my road bike - at least before the new pedals. I guess if you have your cleats all the way outboard and you have really wide feet you might get some rubbing on the right crank?

I can say that the crank battery is pretty much my only disappointment with the SB20. I ride 90 minutes a day on average and the batteries last a bit over 6 months. It’s a shame they didn’t make them powered by the bike in some way.

Isn’t that normal? Based on what I’ve read and saw (dcrainmaker), you won’t want to have the changeover be like 1sec otherwise the power changes will hit you like a brick wall…

50w → 200w

In my case, my own trainer (cheap China brand) it takes about 5-6secs before the new wattage hit in full force. For Erg mode, i’ve actually made it such that the new power target is sent to the trainer 5secs earlier. This is just so that New Intervals will happen w/ the right power at the same time vs 5s later.

I’ve been using ERG mode 100% of the time that i’ve owned the SB20, which is about 2 years now. It works great. Massive changes in resistance over VERY short periods of time (going from 50 watts to 400w in 5 seconds for example) will introduce some lag (presumably due to the massive flywheel), so it’s best to avoid workouts like that, but otherwise it’s great.

In the SB20 FB forum I see posts all the time regarding battery depletion. I have no idea what the issue is there that ppl complain about. I have about 8,000 miles on mine and change the batteries every 3 months. Very easy to do. It’s not much more complicated than that. The reason they use batteries is because the SB20 is built using their off the shelf bike PMs. They’re the identical models with the identical firmware. To build a completely separate PM for a specific smart bike would have been a poor business decision and would likely have raised the cost of the machine.

Foot placement is fine and for me has been dialed in to be identical to my outdoor bike. If there are issues there i’d suggest user error in fitment

Anyone got any thoughts on the “Gradient Scale Factor” settings for TrainerDay - there are recommended settings on the Stages website for other apps but not for this one.

Is it possible to Use the SB20 connected to Trainer Day and still ride in Zwift? That is if I can get Trainer Day to find my SB20, right now under connections it just lists my Apple watch. I tried connecting to Zwift and then connecting TD, I tried disconnecting Zwift then connecting to TD, I tried turning off Zwift and TD is still not showing anything to connect to but my watch. I enabled and disabled Bluetooth in the Stages link app and no change. I know many people are using the SB20 with TD but I somehow don’t have the settings right. I have been using the workout builder, transferring to Training Peaks and doing the ride controlled by Zwift. My ultimate goal would be to do the ride in Zwift controlled by the TD App if possible.

Yes. It’s possible to do Zwift and TD or any other workout apps simultaneous the key is to determine which app has “control”.

In zwift. There is an option for Power Meter and Controllable. Just do not select Controllable for the trainer and you should be good.

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Depends if the SB20 has 2 BLE channels…
If you can connect Zwift to the SB20 in ANT+, it should work for sure.
If the SB20 has only one BLE channel, you will need that for the TD app.

Thanks. I’m using a PC to run Zwift and connecting the SB20 in ANT +. When I open the TD app and press connect devices, nothing appears but my Apple watch. This is regardless if Zwift is running or not. I’m definitely missing something.

Typically a PC (I’m guessing a Desktop type PC and not a laptop?) does not have built in Bluetooth device. I’m also guessing that you’re using an ANT+ Stick in your PC’s USB slot. So when you use the ANT+ stick on your PC, Zwift will connect via ANT+ to your SB20 also via ANT+ (hence freeing up SB20’s Bluetooth to freely connect to your workout app)

So… this should work. My thoughts… highly likely something else is connecting to the SB20… any other devices in the house etc… turn them off or such? Normally BT connections can only connect to 1 device at any time. (Unlike ANT+ which can connect to many)