Stages SB20 owners group

Yes as app4g says you need to figure out what else is “blocking” your bluetooth channel so our app can connect. Verify that your PC is not connecting via bluetooth or make sure your phone is not connected to your SB20 directly in setting (this can cause some issues). Maybe start with connecting our app and then startup up you computer as a test.

This will definitely work since you are using Ant+ for Zwift.

Joining the club!

Just a quick one: stages usually claims that the Bike itself will rebroadcast power readings from the left crank to the software.
However in this thread I read that one shall connect the left crank for power and the bike for control.
Which setting is correct?

I have been connecting via the bike itself for 3 years with zero issues

Perfect. It underlines that the correct way is what Stages has foreseen: connect the bike, and that’s it.
No pairing of the powermeter(s).

I have always used the method of connecting the bike and the meter on the left side, and I have never had any problems either.

Seems like I will try both ways and see :+1:t2:

it’s not that confusing. the bike was built with dual sided power meters that you can utilize by either connecting via left crank PM, which sends both, or bike itself, which rebroadcasts left PM also sends both. early on stages was recommending to connect via left crank if you experienced power lag in certain platforms like zwift but they’ve improved it via firmware to now say just use bike itself to connect, which is the way it was originally designed to connect in order to make it foolproof for newcomers and avoid L/R pairing confusion :slight_smile:
the end result is identical either way but for initial setup connecting “Stages SB20” is easier than “Stages 30821” or “Stages 33978”

I wonder what happened to the power smoothing feature lately.

I can’t set a value (I.e. 10sec) only on/off in iOS.

More significant is my observation that power smoothing randomly works - and then it’s gone and the line is quite erratic again.
However I can “force” a smoothing when I send the app to background and then take it back as active app again. I will see a short whitish overlay and the power reading will occur smoothed again.

It’s weird. SB20, App and phone…all has the latest S/W releases.
Any ideas?

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New version of the app from today it should work again. We have better smoothing just built in but the problem is that it was broken.

4.3.16 it is?
Will check tomorrow!
Outstanding support :ok_hand:t2:

Yes, should be good in 4.3.16 (it is on my phone anyway…)

I rode a workout today - SB20, and can confirm the power is soooo smooth and constant!! Congrats in the new version!!
Happy for the the effort building and keeping a top of the line training app :+1:

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Confirmed. Looks good.
However why does the exported image (for upload in Strava) not reflect the smoothing?
Still looks jumpy :v:t2:

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Yes we need to add smoothing to our website and this image.

Do you plan to implement this anywhere in the future?

Alex, your support is outstanding. Thanks a lot for this!

Yes, we will do this, I am not exactly sure how soon because as we grow it seems lots of really critical stuff comes along all the time. I did not think about the image but I was asking my developer to do it on the activities page for example but we just have not been able to get around to it.

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Dear Alex, on this latest version of the app, is it possible to turn off the smoothing of SB20 power data? As far as I understand, the unsmoothed data that I had previously was representative of the raw data coming out of the SB20. This is what I prefer to have displayed, but now this does not seem to be possible – whether I have smoothing turned on or off, the data are always smoothed, and have a lag of a number of seconds. (The lag is actually shorter on the average power number.)

Sorry, yes we will have the ability to turn it off in the next version. Hopefully later this week.

Ok, thanks! At first I was very confused when I started a session and the power numbers were smoothed instead of (true) noisy values.

Hi Alex, for most of my SB20 sessions I use slope mode. When I create my sessions, I add a slope level into the session table. When I first started doing this, I could see that it was clearly working on the SB20, changing both slope and indicated slope number between different intervals. However, since a number of weeks, this is no longer the case. Is there some bug that needs to be fixed in the latest build?