Upcoming Mobile App UI changes for review

So this outdoor mode is likely a small segment of users but it also is something we need for Karoo users, we want to launch in their app store. I have always wanted to find a nice way to add next interval and I think this is clear, simple and obvious. The only problem I see is a user might accidently press stop instead of ERG but pressing stop is better than pressing next as you just have to hit cancel to get back without loosing anything.


I got some feedback from team and also realized this ERG checkbox is confusing to some people so this would help I believe. I don’t think outdoor switch should be here.



This is looking good. I like the device count in the status bar.

I agree 100%. Outdoor mode is kind of “special interest” and should’t be on the main screen for all users.

Do you already have any screenshots of the iPad version?

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No iPad yet, will have it soon. Right now I am the designer :slight_smile: Part-time designers are hard to keep. I have had 3 of them so far but two have circled back for multiple periods of helping.

Yes outdoor is special interest but I do think I will do it like this.


I did landscape tablet. I think like this.


I said my developer could surprise me on portrait tablet, we will see, should be similar to phone I think.


That‘s looking good.I like it :slight_smile:

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Cool maybe TrainerDay will hire me to be the designer :slight_smile:

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Yes, they really should do that. :rofl: :joy: :upside_down_face:

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A post was split to a new topic: Can you swap total time and interval time positions?

2 posts were split to a new topic: Change New Device Count Indicator Color