Volume question (from base++ to SS hard plan)

I have about 6 more weeks to go with base++ and I was wondering, when I’m done with base++, do I need to to trim back a bit the volume/amount of hours when jumping into sweet spot hard plan training or do I keep going where I left off with the amount of hours from base++ ?

If you have the available time, start with the hours you ended at. One thing I would review with SS hard is the intensity. By default on the hard plans we start them out at intensity 5, which is not killer hard but after base++ it might be. You can always do the first #5 see how it goes and if too intense or too hard adjust the plan for the next week up or down. I would say generally you want to start your build period first workout feeling more like 5 out of 6. Starting build in November is pretty early unless you plan to hit peak performance in April or so. Each person is unique in how long they can handle increasing intensity and volume before burning out. I normally would start end of Dec or sometime in January. You could do a little 3 week booster (like this SS hard) and then 3 weeks of base again and then start your build as well or 4/2 might also be fine. Just some way of not trying to 7 building/harder months in a row… 5 is safer. Once you high peak performance you want to be able to have fun with it.

Hi Alex. Thank you for the sharing! Noted, I will adjust it to 5.

I timed my training so that base++ ends right on Christmas Eve and SS starts on Jan 2nd :slight_smile:

I’ll do an FTP test during christmas week to see where I’m at.

Ok that sounds perfect. Actually, it will automatically do 5 :slight_smile: Generally it should be good.

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