Workout duration and frequency of HIT workouts - more shorter or less longer

Hello Trainerday community,

I was wondering if splitting workouts such as 4x8 @ 105…108% FTP or 2x20@sweetspot intensity give the same benefit on endurance and VO2max when they are split into 2 workouts on subsequent days (2x8 or 1x20).

Is time in zone per week key or is the development of the VO2 (slow component) much better in longer workouts?

For me it is much easier to fit shorter workouts into my day but do them more frequently. Furthermore, my fatigue seems to be better when doing many shorter workouts.

Is there any science on it that is concerned about arhletes? I could only find that for untrained and obese people many short workouts are beneficial.

Longer rides on the weekend in the aerobic domain are included in weekly training.