You don't need to kill yourself - Your friend Coach Jack

Here is what the fastest marathon runner in the world says.

“When asked about his recipe for success, Kipchoge answers that the key is not overextending himself in training. He is not fanatical about trying to be great all the time. He is, however, consistent and patient.”

You can even see in Wahoo systm (previously sufferfest) they are starting to back-off their intensity and you can see this quote from Coach Neal.

Basically all platforms have realized they are pushing people too far, indicating the were not providing good advice/workouts. But they can’t completely abandon their training philosophies to align with modern science and best long term coaching/training practices due to the fear of loosing customers.

Luckily Coach Jack does not have this legacy to live up to. He is old-school and is giving you solid training advice/plans from the beginning.