Z2Z3 outdoor ride does not match Z2/Z3 in Garmin

I don’t understand why when I follow the z2z3 free ride training coach Jak only makes me follow the cardiac z1 and not the power z2 and z3?is that right, am I doing something wrong?

Some people have more of a disconnect between heart rate and power. Are your HR zones based on actual max HR or estimated? You may be very strong aerobically, in which case I would say if you want to do more intensity you can and possibly should. Press + to get it up about 10% or so and see how that feels.

the maximum heart rate is effective, but if I follow the z2 of the power am I wrong?

another thing that I don’t understand if Jak tells me z2 z3 outdoor because on the Garmin the training tells me to stay in z1 of the heart rate? Shouldn’t it be at least in z2?

There is no such thing as wrong or right. Generally Z2/Z3 outdoors is how people ride in outdoors naturally for a 3-4 hour ride. This is just practicing your most common ride.

So you are converting the workout to an HR workout for outdoor and it says Z1? This usually means you have to set your threshold HR in our app or website to be more accurate.

As generally Z2 power is close to Z2 HR but more people Z2 power might be Z3 HR, although some rare people Z2 power is Z1 HR.

Maybe I explained myself badly, unfortunately the translation is sometimes misleading. So on the days where z2 z3 tells me can I pedal in z2 z3 of the power? I didn’t understand the fact that he told me to stay in z1 of the frequency, this made me confused. And right or wrong in the sense that if I follow z2 z3 of watt I want to be sure not to make mistakes and do the training, do you understand why I asked? I repeat, unfortunately even the translation of the training descriptions with the translator are very difficult to understand, sorry again

no, I don’t convert anything, it does it automatically when I send the (outdoor) training to Garmin. I entered my HR correctly at the beginning. Can’t you enter my profile and take a look if everything is ok?

We don’t send HR workouts to garmin unless you say to to send it as HR

Just make sure your threshold HR is correct. There is nothing else to check.


I guarantee you that it passes it alone in HR on the Garmin, the strange thing is that it only does it with this workout z2 z3 it passes the others correctly

another thing I noticed is that in certain workouts both the warm-up and the liver catkin make me do them with the cardiac areas instead the central part with the power

Now I understand what you mean, I was confused as to what you were saying, I just tested this. This is bizarre, this is a bug. We will get this fixed ASAP.

I don’t understand what this means.

ok thank you very much, so in the meantime it runs them in z2 z3 power right?

It’s a shame that the program isn’t also in Italian. Even if I try to translate it directly from the site, the site goes haywire and everything crashes every time. I’m forced to translate every single sentence with my smartphone.

I will add it to our to do list to add Italian. We have many Italian users and I know many don’t speak English very well so we should do this.

You should just do Z2/Z3 power outside, you don’t need to follow a specific workout for this.


hi, I want to show you this sweetspot training, as you can see on the site the training is all with power on the Garmin it gives me a part with power and one with HR see? Is it a bug or is training just like that?