Annual training plan (with follow up Zone 2 training results)

I started the above plan for a few weeks then lost about 3 weeks due to travel and illness. While recovering I was following the very interesting thread here: Zone 2 Workout - Best way to determine my threshold - TrainerDay Forums and decided to follow your “deep Maffetone” suggestion. I set up a Coach Jack plan for Base, 16 weeks, 5 workouts/week with a long ride on Saturday.

I have a couple of questions to make sure I don’t mess things up:

  • My Z2 HR per the other thread is 126. When riding outdoors should I never go above 126 or is there a range I can stay within - say ±5bpm?

  • If my Z2 HR is 126bpm, how can I calculate the other zones to enter for Rouvy/

  • Can I do an occasional race or faster ride? If so, any things to do to get back on track afterwards?

  • Can I do some strength training - nothing major, say push ups, situps, lunges, squats? To strengthen core and legs? If so, should these be done before/after biking or on off days only?

  • I have a cheaper arm HR monitor that drops out too often to be reliable for HR training - can you recommend a decent wrist or chest type?

  • I am planning to cut back on my sugar intake, but would a specific diet (Keto was mentioned often in the thread) be helpful?

Thanks so much.