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I know. We try to make it clear what is paid and what is not. I am going to have my developer show it but say it is paid. Trust me I don’t like spending my time either troubleshooting something that should be obvious (but was not to me either…)

You can always try it and if you subscribe from our website (not the app), and you are not happy I have no problem refunding you.

Sure, we have no problem helping you. Do you mind starting a new topic and give your training history? A little bit about long term but mostly the last 6 months. Also age other health stuff, and what your goals are. It’s ideal to have a goal with a date in about 4-6 months from now. You can even see what the default plan that Coach Jack plan builder gives you. How are your other nights of sleep? Once you create that new top with info Coach Robert @Robert_UCL said he is willing to help guide people.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Please help me choose a training plan