Plano de treino para múltiplas corridas (add multiple races to coach Jack)

So we added 4 new features lately

  1. Cadence targets on some z2 efforts

  2. Micro sprints on some z2 efforts

  3. All progression workouts are improved with a bit more intensity and fun

  4. Improved quality warmups on longer workouts

The main goal was to make it more enjoyable and give a small performance boost. I know you want more specialty plans. It will still take some time for this. Right now we have to build a new billing system. We found a way to save money so to help us make more money without raising prices. :slight_smile: After that is done we are looking at creating more specialty plans. Probably something in addition to Coach Jack. Like a special extension. I can’t make any promises but other things seem to be getting better. The app is more stable. Coach Jack is improved. The website calendar and other stuff is better… It feels like more of a focus on specialty plans is coming in the not too far future but as I said I am not 100% sure when.